It was a solo adventure this year, as it has been all but one of my previous 3 visits. I would have loved to have a friend with me this year but it was a bit too short of notice. I myself wasn't sure I was going until the weekend got a little closer and I could see the weather report. As it was the temperature of the day ended up being somewhere in the low 80's. Perfect.
Again I was transported to the carefree, happy place I felt at home at as soon as I got out of my car and shed my clothing. I sat on my blanket and drank it all in: The band members and stagehands busied themselves with setting things up. Tables were being set up. More and more people were beginning to arrive. People were already splashing in the pools, sitting in the hot tubs, and lounging in chairs and sprawled on blankets. And look--a perfect jet contrail. Any day with a contrail is a perfect weather day!
During the course of the day, several interesting things caught my eye and I noted them with amusement. Things like:
- The guy strutting around with a ponytail and a receding hairline, looking like his hair was sliding off the back.
- The nice-looking naked lady with one metal leg and a huge smile on her face.
- The guy hiding behind the completely unruly hair and full beard, curled up strangely childlike on his pink towel, completely engrossed and staring at what was happening on his pink phone. He was wearing nothing but pink socks, pink tennis shoes, and on his head a pink baseball cap with pink sunglasses perched on the brim. He hardly ever looked up from his phone, and would occasionally just burst out with a short, high-pitched laugh.

- The white guy that was literally the color of a coffee bean. He was dark. The locals call him Hajji (which he apparently hates). He seemed a little unsteady walking much of the day. I guess he was enjoying life.
- Hats and footwear were the fashion statement. Well, and the occasional sarong or wrap of some kind. There were some unusual hats and shoes in attendance. The naked guy with a top hat, lying next to an equally bare lass wearing a pirate hat. I saw one guy wearing vintage red high-top sneakers.
- Then there was the nicely browned guy that was proudly sporting the white tan line of a skimpy female-looking thong he had obviously been wearing every day he was in the sun. It was very distinct, so it was apparent that he was working it.
- The lonely bubble machine sitting all my itself, pumping out iridescent floating orbs all day long.
- A dark man (a different dark man--there were many) disappeared with a female friend toward the RV/camping area, and minutes later reappeared--painted shiny gold from his neck to the soles of his feet. Quite striking in the bright August sun.
- The guy stepping out of the My Chef Lynn food truck wearing only a colorful apron. A while later I saw another man coming out wearing nothing but a short black apron. Aprons must be the uniform of the day at Nudestock when you work a food truck! Well, except for Chef Lynn. She had to maintain a professional appearance I'm sure.
- There is something about a boob escaping from a towel wrap I find intriguing--even though everyone around her was naked. I couldn't ignore it when she came from the pool with one peeking over her loose towel wrap.
- The guy wandering past me... Stumbling a bit... With a big red heart painted on his forehead with what looked like lipstick.
- The large lady that spent the day sitting under a colorful sun shade... With minions spread out before her, looking every bit like royalty.
- There was one guy I would see wandering past me wearing everything but his pants. He had a dark button-down shirt, and dressy casual shoes and dark socks. It was a little odd. Perhaps the reason he was always on the move was that he was trying to find his pants.
- At one point later in the day, three naked guys--all lying face down, sleeping, and oblivious to the world--caught my attention. It was the manner in which they were all lying down exactly the same, facing the same, and perfectly in line. Perhaps they were triplets.
Yes, it was a perfect day. A day of hang gliders hovering and circling downward, of dragonflies darting around playing tag with each other.
There were people of all ages in attendance. Some people had to be helped to their spot on the lawn because of ailing health, and others were bundles of energy. Some approached the area with trepidation and still partly dressed, while others strolled in like they owned the world. Some wore body jewelry in special places, but most did not. I was surprised at how few tattoos I saw this year. Perhaps the old hippie mantra, "body is a temple" is becoming more of the mindset of nudists?
There was the usual thing like body painting, and massage, and a few vendors with select items for sale. One new thing I saw this year was the special souvenir photo you could have taken. They had a wooden sign you could hold in front of you wherever you wanted and have your picture taken. I forget what it said on the sign--something like, "I spent the day at Nudestock 2014!" or similar.
The pool that was the most perfect temperature you could imagine. No cold water shock when you jumped in, and yet completely refreshing. It was the most perfect of any previous time I had been there. I partook of it's pleasures a few times throughout the day. The slide got a lot of use too.

The smiling face of Chef Lynn that was painted on the side of her food truck stared unblinking over the masses all day long, inviting them all to drop by and eat. The menu was varied, slightly upscale, and absolutely fantastic. All at very reasonable prices too! I did partake of a most excellent meatloaf slider and pork taco trio during the event. Truly a delight to the palate! I hope to see her there next year as well.
I spent quite a bit of time talking to a guy nearby that brought up an interesting point: They should have a couple more events like Nudestock at various times during the summer. It wouldn't have to be on the same scale as Nudestock--maybe only one band. But to only get one of these amazing experiences per year is almost sad. (Of course, if I were a member I could go up there every day if I chose to...) I guess what they say is true: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I can hardly wait for next year!