Monday, March 6, 2023

My Old Camera Collection

I used to have a nice little collection of old cameras. That is--until that one day I had some sort of brain fart. I don't know if I decided I was tired of them or if I needed tuition money or what, but I ended up selling them at our (then) local Midway Swap Meet or something until they were gone.

There have been many times I've wished I had them back, but 'oh well'. You learn through your mistakes, right? Anyway, here's an old picture I found from my days living in crime-riddled south Auburn. This was the display I had in the living room, complete with a tapestry I bought in Turkey providing the backdrop.

I wish the picture was better, but you should have seen it before I fixed it. It was an old, washed-out slide that I had trouble scanning in to begin with. I was able to help it a little with Adobe Lightroom:

Our current 'collection' is a lot more diverse than the old camera-only one above. In addition to cameras, it has all sorts of collectibles, knick-knacks, and family heirloom stuff:

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