Thursday, June 16, 2016


People I admire are unafraid. They proudly wear unnaturally-colored hair, have tattoos, and let their imaginations run wild. They are positive, unpredictable, and they recycle because they want to. They are equally at home in the city or the country. They know what's going on behind my eyes, know what to say at the right time, and can make me laugh when I need it. They love music and might play a cello or an acoustic guitar. They appreciate simplicity and shun the "new and improved" hype. They may not have one of their own, but they love animals--all animals. They have many stories to tell, and know when to tell them and when not to. They are social, and yet they appreciate solitude. They are happy with themselves and will never ridicule someone else.

No, this is not a tall order for the perfect mate. This is just a list I started jotting down one time for fun. Some of these are traits I possess, and others I do not. These are just things I admire in people. I find myself sometimes jealous of other people, but then I tell myself I have things they do not have, know things they don't know, and have had a lifetime of different experiences than the ones they have had. It's all good.

Still... I do admire...

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