A lot of things happened all at once when I started to finalize the house deal last summer. I already had my loan pre-approval squared away before I started looking, and things were looking good. When I found my house I submitted an offer for full price. (I did not want to lose this house!) The buying process was well underway by probably a week or so when someone at work mentioned VA financing during our conversation. What?--I can save a quarter of a point or better in interest? With no mortgage insurance?! Up until that point I didn't know that the industry standard 20% down payment actually determined whether or not you needed mortgage insurance. (It's not like I buy houses all the time!) Anyway, like I said--I had already gotten my financing process underway, using a conventional loan, and when I found out about the VA loan option I talked to my lender again. "Sure, I can switch it over to VA no problem," he said. Cool! 3.25% instead of 3.50% is always a good thing! Well, it was cool for a short time, then I found out that the seller said no and threatened to nix the deal. It turned out that the only reason she accepted my offer was because it was not a VA loan. Why? Well, if it were a VA loan she would have had to put a new roof on it. She had no intention of doing that (even though it badly needed one), so she refused anyone wanting to buy with a VA loan. Shit. Well, I talked to my finance guy again and asked if there wasn't some other option I had to side-step around the mortgage insurance and he said he would look into it. In the meantime he switched it all back to conventional loan and things progressed. Imagine my surprise when I went to sign all my papers and found that there was no mortgage insurance on my loan after all. Score!
Now let's address the romance part of the title. For that I'll have to back up a little. No, a lot...
All through my elementary school years I went to school with Brenda. I had a pretty good crush on her. She was the spunky little red-haired girl that didn't take shit from anybody. I must have thought about her a lot because I can remember a lot more details about her than I can from pretty much anybody else of that period. When I finished 6th grade my family moved and I lost sight of her. We didn't move far--it was just to downtown Auburn--but that meant we went to different junior high schools. Life goes on when you're an adolescent, and I eventually forgot about her. She moved out of state at one point, and didn't return until our senior year of high school. I think I remember catching a glimpse of her once, wondering why she looked familiar. Could that have been her? Fast forward a couple decades. Our 40th reunion was in the making, and as usual, I'm on the lookout for new names registered for the event. When I saw her name I was excited. We emailed a few times, comparing stories and rehashing memories. The reunion kinda came and went, but she wasn't able to attend. Time went by and we went our own ways and communication waned. Fast-forward to last summer. We had been friends on Facebook for a while by then. She had spent 7 months in Oklahoma tending after her aging parents' affairs, and was super-excited to finally get to come home and wake up in her own bed. Imagine her surprise when she came home to an empty house. It turned out that her husband left her the day before she got home. Though I was skeptical to open my doors to a potential roommate because I treasure my alone time (especially when I was going to be moving soon) I did so anyway. After all, I had an extra bedroom at my rented duplex, and would have two extra rooms at my new house, so why not? She accepted my offer to move in, and we have been hopelessly in love ever since.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
An Alternate View of Seattle in 1962
I was perusing a bookshelf full of crap here at home and found a few old nudist magazines I had bought at a yard sale a long time ago. I got a kick out of this issue because it was promoting the '62 World's Fair on the cover and inside on the title page.
It's interesting to know that the Seattle has been cool for a long time.
It's interesting to know that the Seattle has been cool for a long time.
Monday, June 5, 2017
We ended up with this sticker at our house recently, and I'm not sure where it came from. I'm also not sure what I'm going to do with it. Obviously, I'm probably going to stick it, but where?
I could put it on something out in my shop.
I'm not redneck enough to put it on my vehicle. Well, I guess I could put it on my Civic, but really--an old Honda Civic on a Zombie Apocalypse Response Team? What am I going to do, drive them out of town in a safe manner while explaining my mileage? I know--I could put it on my truck! No, it's not the right look either. My truck isn't lifted 24" over stock and riding on oversized tires. It has no Yosemite Sam mudflaps hanging across the back, and there is no gun rack in the window (if rednecks still even use gun racks any more). It looks more "grandpa" than redneck.

No, I don't have a good vehicle for this sticker. I could "bless" someone else's car in a parking lot, but of course I would never harm anyone else's property. Besides, I can't run worth a shit anymore. I'd probably be spotted by the owner, and they'd find my body a week later, crumpled up in the parking lot along with the sun-faded, flattened Starbucks cups that litter the ground.
Ooh, wait--the Harley! Hmm. No. While it does have a look that would compliment such a fine sticker, I'm not really a sticker person. Besides, if it were on a bike, it should be one ridden by someone that looks like Randall Tex Cobb did in the movie Raising Arizona.
I could take it to work and find a good spot for it. Now that I think about it, it does sorta speak "Boeing" somehow.
Or, I could put it on something out in my shop.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Why Edgewood?
I don't think I ever really expected to find myself living in Edgewood. I don't know--it just seemed to be "between" everything. It was a place that was not on anyone's radar. It was a place people drive by or drive through and not notice. It has almost none of my favorite stores, and a pretty small selection of restaurants.
When Sue and I were going through our divorce I just wanted something cheap enough I could afford, and big enough to hold all my shit. I just wanted a new starting place. I was hoping to find something close enough to work that I wouldn't have to use freeways. When I stumbled onto the little duplex I ended up living in for 2+ years, I knew it was perfect. It was cheap, it had a garage, and it had plenty of space for me. It even had the back yard between the two units fenced. How often do you ever see that? It had two bedrooms, gas heat, and even a storage shed out back. When I met my new neighbor, Wendy, we became friends right away. I so enjoyed spending time at her place, watching movies or ball games, and playing with her little "chi-weenie" dog Louie, and her two kittycats. After living up here for a couple years, I realized that I really liked the rural nature of the area and the commute (or lack thereof). I can get to work in 15 minutes, and without using a freeway!
It was around June of last year when it occurred to me that my savings were growing to the point where I might be able to pull off a down payment on a house. I was also getting a little tired of the noisy furnace, the single-pane windows, and mushy ground around the place during monsoon season. I started looking at realty websites, and the more I looked at houses in various places, the more I liked the possibility of staying in Edgewood. The trouble is, a lot (most?) of the properties in the area have either a view of the valley or are on acreage, neither of which I could come close to affording. After looking for a while I found a house that I wanted to investigate. That meant I needed to get into the house to see it, right? I hunted down a realtor. I didn't buy that house, but with both of us looking, things started happening. We looked at several, but none of them did it for me. I had gotten into the routine of checking real estate sites several times a day, noting the new ones when they would pop up. Then one Saturday morning I was on the computer for a while doing more looking and had been at it for a while. I was just about to go out somewhere, so before I got up to go I hit "refresh" one more time. There was a new entry! It was so new that the pictures weren't even posted yet. I read the whole ad and realized it was only down the street where I already lived. After reading it all and checking the street view online, I hit refresh again and pictures started showing up. A big 3-bedroom rambler with a detached shop?! 1/3 acre at the end of a dead-end street?! I called my guy right away. "I have to see this house!" I told him. He called back a few minutes later and said they were having an open house at 1pm, so I could actually get inside without him this time. Well, to make a long story short, I went, I looked, I loved it, and I bought it. I love this place!
Next: Moving!
When Sue and I were going through our divorce I just wanted something cheap enough I could afford, and big enough to hold all my shit. I just wanted a new starting place. I was hoping to find something close enough to work that I wouldn't have to use freeways. When I stumbled onto the little duplex I ended up living in for 2+ years, I knew it was perfect. It was cheap, it had a garage, and it had plenty of space for me. It even had the back yard between the two units fenced. How often do you ever see that? It had two bedrooms, gas heat, and even a storage shed out back. When I met my new neighbor, Wendy, we became friends right away. I so enjoyed spending time at her place, watching movies or ball games, and playing with her little "chi-weenie" dog Louie, and her two kittycats. After living up here for a couple years, I realized that I really liked the rural nature of the area and the commute (or lack thereof). I can get to work in 15 minutes, and without using a freeway!
It was around June of last year when it occurred to me that my savings were growing to the point where I might be able to pull off a down payment on a house. I was also getting a little tired of the noisy furnace, the single-pane windows, and mushy ground around the place during monsoon season. I started looking at realty websites, and the more I looked at houses in various places, the more I liked the possibility of staying in Edgewood. The trouble is, a lot (most?) of the properties in the area have either a view of the valley or are on acreage, neither of which I could come close to affording. After looking for a while I found a house that I wanted to investigate. That meant I needed to get into the house to see it, right? I hunted down a realtor. I didn't buy that house, but with both of us looking, things started happening. We looked at several, but none of them did it for me. I had gotten into the routine of checking real estate sites several times a day, noting the new ones when they would pop up. Then one Saturday morning I was on the computer for a while doing more looking and had been at it for a while. I was just about to go out somewhere, so before I got up to go I hit "refresh" one more time. There was a new entry! It was so new that the pictures weren't even posted yet. I read the whole ad and realized it was only down the street where I already lived. After reading it all and checking the street view online, I hit refresh again and pictures started showing up. A big 3-bedroom rambler with a detached shop?! 1/3 acre at the end of a dead-end street?! I called my guy right away. "I have to see this house!" I told him. He called back a few minutes later and said they were having an open house at 1pm, so I could actually get inside without him this time. Well, to make a long story short, I went, I looked, I loved it, and I bought it. I love this place!
Next: Moving!
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Unlimited Wonderful
I have always loved to poke fun at translations between Asian and English products over the years. Many times they mean something completely different that what they probably intended. While things have gotten much better they still pop up occasionally. Sometimes it's the owner's manual of the product, and sometimes it's the packaging. This was on the package my camera flash trigger came in.
You can't deny the warm feelings they give: Unlimited!
You can't deny the warm feelings they give: Unlimited!
Monday, May 29, 2017
How To Build a Makeshift Shop Urinal
I don't think I have ever done a "how-to" blog post before. Why now? Well, I was taking pictures of it as I went along so I could play show & tell at work, but then when I was all finished I decided I may as well compile them all into a blog post. It just kind of turned into a "how-to" on its own.
Think of all those times when you're out in your garage or shop, right in the middle of a project, and you've got to pee. You don't want to have to go all the way into the house, especially when you're dirty. Maybe you live somewhere where you can't just step outside the door and pee lest someone calls the cops on you. Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to?
Well, here is my solution.
This is a "poor man's design" that uses a specialty funnel, a length of garden hose curled into a trap loop, and it's flushed by pouring water into it after you use it. Simple right? Of course, where you have the water routed after it's outside your shop is your business. Some folks bury a gallon can that they've cut full of holes, and run their hose into that. Some folks just let it go where it goes. As seldom as it's used it probably doesn't really matter much--more a matter of aesthetics.
Materials needed:
Let's get started. Here's how I did it.
Carefully drill into the drywall *only* (no farther into the wall!) with an extra-long (mine is about 12" long) small drill bit and stop. As soon as it penetrates the drywall unhook it from your drill and wiggle the drill bit all around the best you can to "clear" any insulation from its path. If you don't it will wind up on your drill bit and you'll never get it out!
Push it all the way into the hole until you feel it contact the outer wall and hook the drill motor back up to it and finish drilling through the outer wall. Now unhook the bit once again, leaving it still embedded in the wall. Go outside and check your work. Is it in the right place? If not, make whatever changes need to be made and do it again. Small holes are much easier to patch if they're in the wrong place than full-sized holes are!
Carefully drill through the drywall with a 1" spade bit, stopping as soon as it goes through:
See that insulation hiding there just waiting to grab your drill bit? Again, don't let that happen:
Go outside and do the same thing as inside: barely drill through and stop. After you clear the insulation out of the way with whatever tool you feel like using, feel free to put the spade bit back in and clean the hole out a little better, angling it as needed, and still drilling from each side.
Try fitting your piece of PVC pipe into the hole. Repeat the drilling with the spade bit as much as you need to if the hole isn't clear enough. You may be able to press your pipe into the hole from the inside, but I couldn't quite get it. I found it easier to push from the outside of the shop back in. That was because the drywall had enough "give" to it and allowed the pipe to break through any hole imperfections. Notice the angle of the pipe. That was my choice. I don't think angle matters really.
This is how much of the PVC section protruded through the outer wall before I trimmed it down to about 6 inches or so:
Identify the orifice for posterity:
Cut the male end off your hose section if you haven't already, and roll your O-ring over the threads, placing it just below the shoulder. It should be a snug fit. If not, use a smaller O-ring:
Carefully pop the screen out of the bottom of the funnel and feed the hose down into it. The O-ring will make a nice, snug "squeaker" of a fit as it goes down into the tapered funnel neck. Give it a good twist while you're pulling it and it will snug up easily. Sealing it isn't necessary because the O-ring and the taper of the funnel work together pretty well.
You should now have something that looks like this:
I made the wall mount out of a couple of scrap pieces of 5/4" cedar decking. I screwed the two pieces together into an "L" and screwed the whole thing to the wall. The odd dimensions are so it would align with wall studs. If you have to, go buy yourself a stud finder. You'll probably need it around the house eventually anyway, right?
Next, I found a piece of 2x3 and carved a section out of it with a jigsaw and wood rasp. This was just to provide clearance to help the funnel nestle in closer to the mount. That allowed me to attach it a little more securely than with just the little tab hole on top of the funnel. I'm pretty sure that one hole on the funnel was only provided my the manufacturer for hanging it up on the wall when you're not using it.
Here is that part installed:
A couple of screws later and the funnel is mounted! Both attaching points are nice and tight against wood, so there is no tendency for the screw to pull through the funnel plastic. It's a pretty solid mount:
Next, I fed the hose into the PVC. This can be a tricky part. I clamped a vice grip on the PVC so it wouldn't move while I was playing with it. I then had to put some spray silicone on the hose to get it to go all the way down through the PVC. Yes, it fit that snugly.
Another angle:
After looking at it and analyzing the hell out of it (like I do everything), I decided that I needed to raise the whole thing up. I just decided the top of the hose arc was a little lower than I thought it should be for a good siphon action when I "flush" it.
And here's how I flush it:
Epilogue: Sure, maybe any old can or jar will do in a pinch when you need something to piss in, but this is much better. It's got that homemade vibe and backwoods engineering thing going on!
Think of all those times when you're out in your garage or shop, right in the middle of a project, and you've got to pee. You don't want to have to go all the way into the house, especially when you're dirty. Maybe you live somewhere where you can't just step outside the door and pee lest someone calls the cops on you. Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to?
Well, here is my solution.
This is a "poor man's design" that uses a specialty funnel, a length of garden hose curled into a trap loop, and it's flushed by pouring water into it after you use it. Simple right? Of course, where you have the water routed after it's outside your shop is your business. Some folks bury a gallon can that they've cut full of holes, and run their hose into that. Some folks just let it go where it goes. As seldom as it's used it probably doesn't really matter much--more a matter of aesthetics.
Materials needed:
- (1) Hopkins FloTool Funnel, part number 10705 (about $6 at O'Reilly Auto Parts)
- (1) Short length of cheap-quality 5/8" garden hose with the male end still attached. (I bought a "hose leader" at Home Depot for about $8.) If it's not the cheap quality variety it will be large around the outside to fit into the funnel.
- (1) length of 3/4" schedule 40 (the thick stuff) PVC pipe (I bought a 2-foot piece at Home Depot for $1.64) long enough to go through your wall if your shop or garage has drywall installed.
- (1) O-ring that fits snugly over the male end of your hose (see picture below)
- Miscellaneous lengths of wood for your wall mounting (you probably already have)
- Miscellaneous screws to attach (you probably already have)
- Spray silicone or equivalent
- First of all, as you can see from the pictures, my shop is sheet-rocked and insulated. If yours has no drywall or insulation you can skip installing the PVC pipe though the wall space as I did. Your project will be much easier!
- I have a long drill bit (I think it's about 16" long) that I use when I'm dealing with drilling through a wall space all the way to outdoors. If you don't have this sort of luxury, you will have to figure something else out. Again, if you're not sheet-rocked you can skip it anyway.
- Caution: If you just try to run a full-sized spade bit into the drywall and go all the way through it will not reach and will catch your insulation, turning all your wall insulation into a giant wad of cotton candy on the end of your drill bit. You'll have a real problem on your hands then!
- Measure carefully! Make sure you exercise your due diligence and investigate obstacles, distances, angles, and anything else that could be a problem when you decide where to put it and start drilling into your wall.
Let's get started. Here's how I did it.
Carefully drill into the drywall *only* (no farther into the wall!) with an extra-long (mine is about 12" long) small drill bit and stop. As soon as it penetrates the drywall unhook it from your drill and wiggle the drill bit all around the best you can to "clear" any insulation from its path. If you don't it will wind up on your drill bit and you'll never get it out!
Carefully drill through the drywall with a 1" spade bit, stopping as soon as it goes through:
See that insulation hiding there just waiting to grab your drill bit? Again, don't let that happen:
Go outside and do the same thing as inside: barely drill through and stop. After you clear the insulation out of the way with whatever tool you feel like using, feel free to put the spade bit back in and clean the hole out a little better, angling it as needed, and still drilling from each side.
Try fitting your piece of PVC pipe into the hole. Repeat the drilling with the spade bit as much as you need to if the hole isn't clear enough. You may be able to press your pipe into the hole from the inside, but I couldn't quite get it. I found it easier to push from the outside of the shop back in. That was because the drywall had enough "give" to it and allowed the pipe to break through any hole imperfections. Notice the angle of the pipe. That was my choice. I don't think angle matters really.
This is how much of the PVC section protruded through the outer wall before I trimmed it down to about 6 inches or so:
Identify the orifice for posterity:
Cut the male end off your hose section if you haven't already, and roll your O-ring over the threads, placing it just below the shoulder. It should be a snug fit. If not, use a smaller O-ring:
Carefully pop the screen out of the bottom of the funnel and feed the hose down into it. The O-ring will make a nice, snug "squeaker" of a fit as it goes down into the tapered funnel neck. Give it a good twist while you're pulling it and it will snug up easily. Sealing it isn't necessary because the O-ring and the taper of the funnel work together pretty well.
You should now have something that looks like this:
I made the wall mount out of a couple of scrap pieces of 5/4" cedar decking. I screwed the two pieces together into an "L" and screwed the whole thing to the wall. The odd dimensions are so it would align with wall studs. If you have to, go buy yourself a stud finder. You'll probably need it around the house eventually anyway, right?
Next, I found a piece of 2x3 and carved a section out of it with a jigsaw and wood rasp. This was just to provide clearance to help the funnel nestle in closer to the mount. That allowed me to attach it a little more securely than with just the little tab hole on top of the funnel. I'm pretty sure that one hole on the funnel was only provided my the manufacturer for hanging it up on the wall when you're not using it.
Here is that part installed:
A couple of screws later and the funnel is mounted! Both attaching points are nice and tight against wood, so there is no tendency for the screw to pull through the funnel plastic. It's a pretty solid mount:
Next, I fed the hose into the PVC. This can be a tricky part. I clamped a vice grip on the PVC so it wouldn't move while I was playing with it. I then had to put some spray silicone on the hose to get it to go all the way down through the PVC. Yes, it fit that snugly.
Another angle:
After looking at it and analyzing the hell out of it (like I do everything), I decided that I needed to raise the whole thing up. I just decided the top of the hose arc was a little lower than I thought it should be for a good siphon action when I "flush" it.
After raising it up a few inches, here is the finished product:
Epilogue: Sure, maybe any old can or jar will do in a pinch when you need something to piss in, but this is much better. It's got that homemade vibe and backwoods engineering thing going on!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
A New Face!
I haven't posted anything in my blog in so long I had almost forgotten about it. I figured it's time. I'm going big on this post: I'm actually renaming the blog!
I don't think I ever really liked the name of the blog when I first created it. "Return to Solitude" just never really felt right. Just the fact that I thought about it almost every time I went into the blog to read or write a post tells me there was an unease with my choice. Somewhere in the background of my brain something festered. So, here we go.
No more somber-looking blog with a downer-sounding blog name. I'm going with something more...
Yup. From this day forth, I'm going with plain ol' "The Edgewood Years." New name, new look, and yet--the same old shit.
Doesn't that sound poetic?
I don't think I ever really liked the name of the blog when I first created it. "Return to Solitude" just never really felt right. Just the fact that I thought about it almost every time I went into the blog to read or write a post tells me there was an unease with my choice. Somewhere in the background of my brain something festered. So, here we go.
No more somber-looking blog with a downer-sounding blog name. I'm going with something more...
Yup. From this day forth, I'm going with plain ol' "The Edgewood Years." New name, new look, and yet--the same old shit.
Doesn't that sound poetic?
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